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Local Government Regional Resource Center (LGRRC DOSE)

The LGRRC XII, now LGRRC DOSE, was established to promote a culture of learning, inter-local cooperation and partnership among stakeholders in local governance through its four (4) major facility services namely: 1) the Multi-Media Knowledge and Information Service Facility; 2) the Capacity Development Facility; 3) the Linkage and Networking Facility; and 4) the Public Education on Governance and Development Facility.  These LGRRC Facility Services sustains the Department’s relevance in promoting good local governance putting emphasis on capacitating LGUs to be self-reliant and making the Department a knowledge-centric organization.

Specifically, the goals of the Center are:

  1. To support DILG in its role as primary catalyst for excellence in local governance;
  2. To harness the role of DILG  as knowledge brokers and facilitators of capacity development in local governance;
  3. To facilitate the integration of knowledge management in DILG processes and systems towards building the Department as a knowledge-centric organization; and
  4. To hasten the implementation of Department’s PPAs by utilizing the state of the art information technology.

Under the concept and discipline of knowledge management which was introduced by MBUSSP Component D consultants, LGRRC Dose operates with established systems and procedures and serves clienteles in an effective and effective manner.

Click here to visit the LGRRC Dose KMIS Portal.


Status: Current
Contacts: Arthur P. Condes
Telephone: (083) 228-1421