Last April 29, 2024, DILG Dose, in collaboration with the Regional Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (RIMTF) for the Child-Friendly Local Governance Audit (CFLGA), conducted a comprehensive capacity-building session for the Provincial Inter-Agency Monitoring Task Force (PIMTF) via the Zoom platform.
The primary objective of this initiative was to empower PIMTF members with a deep understanding of the context/policy content of various CFLGA indicators in some of its assessment components in the areas of health, social, and local policy. This understanding would enable them to conduct thorough reviews and validations of Local Government Units' (LGUs) performance during audits. Furthermore, the session aimed to equip them with the capability to provide recommendations, where necessary, to ensure the accuracy and appropriateness of data and indicators included in the SCFLG-KMS.
Resource persons were drawn from various organizations, including the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Regional Committee on Welfare of Children (RCWC), the Regional Juvenile Justice and Welfare Committee (RJJWC), the National Nutrition Council (NNC), the Department of Health (DOH), and Save the Children.