Thirty seven engineers and architects recently passed the Accreditation on Constructor’s Performance Evaluation which was given last September 11-13, 2019 at the FB Hotel in Koronadal City during the conduct of Training Workshop on Constructor’s Performance Evaluation System (CPES) sponsored DILG-XII’s Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU).
The three-day training workshop was designed to increase the number of accredited CPES evaluators on the Region. Engr. Leilani Del Prado of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines- Philippine Domestic Construction Board, together with Engr. Arnaldo Reyes, were the main facilitators and resource persons for the whole activity.
The first day of the workshop started out with a pre-test which was administered by the resource persons. It was then followed by a levelling-off session which served as the take-off point for the discussions on the different modules related to CPES.
The morning of the next day was devoted solely for the CPES accreditation exam followed by a briefing session given by Engr. Reyes on the planned field inspection to be conducted on the third day. The last day of the workshop was intended for the actual field inspection on a chosen road project in Tacurong City. All participants had to be in the project site to do real-time field inspection, applying the standards and criteria for evaluation as imparted by the resource speakers. Much like in an actual inspection, each group presented their evaluation and assessment and they were then judged by the resource persons.
Towards the end of the sessions, it was announced by the speakers that Engr. Aprilyn A. Trumata of DILG RO XII and Engr. Jeff Jones F. Comprendio of PEO Sultan Kudarat topped the accreditation examination. PDMU Technical Engineers and five (5) representatives each from the Engineering Office of the four (4) Provincial Government Units joined the said event.
In a message delivered by the Regional Director Josephine Cabrido-Leysa, CESO V, through her senior staff, she issued the challenge to all the attendees to ‘leave a mark’ through the projects that they do. She added,”CPES is our way of doing things right as we built structures for the people in the Region.” She expressed optimism that the workshop will result to saying “goodbye to mediocrity”, and that the standards in building structures for the people will be raised higher. “Not that we want to see a project that would last for centuries. We just need roads, buildings or any structure that would last longer than a lifetime to allow the next generation to enjoy the quality project built and left behind for them’, Director Leysa explained.